I have a string that is 928 characters that I am using to create a qr code for. The issue I am having is that, although the QR code scans fine on Iphone, android devices seem to struggle detect it. I believe this is due to the size of the QR code. I wanted to know if there was a way I could truncate that 928 character string to under 50 characters and then expand it when I use it after scanning the QR Code. Upon researching, I found many QR question and a lot of questions on how to shorten text, but nothing specifically relating to my question.
The QR HTML is:
[attr.ariaLabel]="'QR Code image with the following content...'"
[attr.imageSrc]="currentUser.imageData ? currentUser.imageData : './assets/default-logo.png'"
[title]="'A custom title attribute'"
Changing the error correction to L fixed the issue.