I'm trying to set up a simple reverse proxy with Falcon in Python.
I have:
import falcon
import requests
class ReverseProxyResource:
def on_get(self, req, resp, text=None):
destination = "[destination_url]/" + text
destination = "[destination_url]"
result = requests.get(destination)
resp.body = result.text
resp.status = result.status_code
def on_post(self, req, resp, text=None):
destination = "[destination_url]/" + text
destination = "[destination_url]"
result = requests.post(destination, data=req.bounded_stream.read())
resp.body = result.text
resp.status = result.status_code
proxy_api = application = falcon.API()
proxy_api.req_options.auto_parse_form_urlencoded = True
proxy_api.add_route('/{text}', ReverseProxyResource())
proxy_api.add_route('/', ReverseProxyResource())
Get requests to the proxy are returned correctly.
However, Post requests are only returned a 404 error from the api. The "POST" print statement is not shown, indicating on_post isn't called at all. (The post requests only included Header Content-Type: application/json and a simple JSON body, which work correctly when called directly against the destination url)
EDIT: Interestingly enough, if I change GET call in postman to POST (ie: no body, headers, or anything else added) on_post() is called when I hit the endpoint. So it seems like an issue where post requests that contain a body are being automtically 404'ed without calling on_post()
Try adding user agent and content type before making the post call
headers = {"Content-Type": "text/plain", "User-Agent": "PostmanRuntime/7.30.0"}
result = requests.post(url = destination, data=req.bounded_stream.read(), headers=headers)
below code works for me
import falcon
import requests
class ReverseProxyResource:
def on_get(self, req, resp, text=None):
destination = "https://cat-fact.herokuapp.com/" + text
destination = "https://cat-fact.herokuapp.com/facts/"
result = requests.get(destination)
resp.body = result.text
resp.status = result.status_code
def on_post(self, req, resp, text=None):
destination = "https://dummy.restapiexample.com/api/v1/"+ text
destination = "https://dummy.restapiexample.com/api/v1/create"
headers = {"Content-Type": "text/plain", "User-Agent": "PostmanRuntime/7.30.0"}
result = requests.post(url = destination, data=req.bounded_stream.read(), headers=headers)
resp.text = result.text
resp.status = result.status_code
proxy_api = application = falcon.App()
proxy_api.req_options.auto_parse_form_urlencoded = True
proxy_api.add_route('/{text}', ReverseProxyResource())
proxy_api.add_route('/', ReverseProxyResource())