
Quarkus Rest Service to be accessed by users from two different keycloaks

How to implement a quarkus rest service, that is accessed by two different frontend applications, that use two different oidc providers?

I first thought this would be multi-tenancy. But from what I understand in multi-tenancy, the Tenantresolver, requires different routing contexts. But here the rest service has to allow both Application A and B users access to access the same resource. Could someone please help with this?


  • I think this requires a multi-tenant configuration.

    You can configure your Rest resource as follows:

    public class FruitResource { 

    From here on, follow the guide on the Quarkus website:

    Basically, with the TenantResolver you need to check the incoming request whether the request is coming from Keycloak-A or B and then set the url & clientId accordingly.