I was curious how best to implement GARCH models in numpyro. I tried reading https://num.pyro.ai/en/stable/tutorials/time_series_forecasting.html but found it generally unclear (the model notation and variable names are not easy to map, the model is overly complicated for a basic intro)
I wrote the following code to estimate a GARCH-M model, but the performance doesn't seem great and I'm curious to see if others have suggestions.
The model is
but the question applies quite generally. I chose a GARCH-M model because it requires looping, you can't infer the entire sequence of epsilon's at once because you need to infer time-varying volatility.
# preliminaries
import numpyro
import numpyro.distributions as dist
import jax.numpy as jnp
from numpyro.infer import MCMC, NUTS
from numpyro.contrib.control_flow import scan
import numpy as np
def my_model(y=None):
μ = numpyro.sample("μ", dist.Normal(0, 4))
ω = numpyro.sample("ω", dist.HalfCauchy(2))
α = numpyro.sample("α", dist.Uniform())
β = numpyro.sample("β", dist.Uniform())
λ = numpyro.sample("λ", dist.Normal(0, 4))
σ2_0 = ω / (1 - α - β)
def gjr_var(state, new):
# state is past variance and past shock
σ2_t, r_t = state
ɛ_t = (r_t - μ - λ*σ2_t**0.5)/σ2_t**0.5
σ2_tp = ω + α * ɛ_t**2 + β * σ2_t
r_tp = numpyro.sample('r', dist.Normal(μ + λ*σ2_tp**0.5, σ2_tp**0.5), obs=new)
return (σ2_tp, r_tp), r_tp
_, r = scan(gjr_var, (σ2_0, y[0]), y[1:])
return r
I re-visited this after several months and came up with some tweaks that resolved the problem.
The main problem seems to be that if alpha + beta >= 1
, then the volatility process is non-stationary. Worse yet, it leads to an negative unconditional variance due to the formula σ2_0 = ω / (1 - α - β)
I imposed stationary by drawing alpha
and beta
from a 3d Dirichlet distribution, and now the estimates match what is produced by the arch
Python package
def my_model(y: np.ndarray):
μ = numpyro.sample("μ", dist.ImproperUniform(dist.constraints.real, (), ()))
ω = numpyro.sample("ω", dist.ImproperUniform(dist.constraints.positive, (), ()))
β_vec = numpyro.sample("β_intermediate", dist.Dirichlet(jnp.ones(3)))
α = numpyro.deterministic("α", β_vec[0])
β = numpyro.deterministic("β", β_vec[1])
λ = numpyro.sample("λ", dist.ImproperUniform(dist.constraints.real, (), ()))
σ2_0 = ω / (1 - α - β)
def gjr_var(state, new):
# state is past variance and past shock
σ2_t, r_t = state
ɛ_t = r_t - μ - λ * σ2_t**0.5
σ2_tp = numpyro.deterministic(
"σ2", ω + α * ɛ_t**2 + β * σ2_t
r_tp = numpyro.sample(
"r", dist.Normal(μ + λ * σ2_tp**0.5, σ2_tp**0.5), obs=new
ɛ_tp = numpyro.deterministic("ɛ", r_tp - μ - λ * σ2_tp**0.5)
return (σ2_tp, r_tp), (r_tp, σ2_tp, ɛ_tp)
scan(gjr_var, (σ2_0, y[0]), y[1:])