
How to define domain entity model in frontend and backend?

I am studying clean architecture right now, and I have a question about domain entities. Suppose I am building a mobile application, there will be two types of services in my opinion.

I am wondering what will be the entity for the frontend and backend. I came up with the following concerns.

What will be the best practice to follow clean architecture? What will be the most concrete/clear implementation?

Or there is no separation of front/backend in architecture design?


  • You only have one entity model. The question is where you place it.

    You can implement an application that contains everything from the ui to the database on a mobile device. In this case all circles of the clean architecture are on the mobile device.

     | mobile device |
     | +------------+      +------------+ |
     | | ui layer   |      | DBRepoImpl | |
     | +------------+      +------------+ |
     |       |                   |        |
     |       V                   V        |
     | +-------------+     +------------+ |
     | | use cases   | --> | repository | |
     | +-------------+     +------------+ |
     |       |                            |
     |       V                            |
     | +-------------+                    |
     | | entities    |                    |
     | +-------------+                    |

    You can also split the application an put the ui on the mobile device which makes requests to a backend application that implements the use cases, entities, repositories and so on.

     +---------------+                          +---------+
     | mobile device |                          | backend |
     +-------------------------------------+    +-----------------------------------------+
     | +------------+      +------------+  |    |   +-----------------+    +------------+ |
     | |    view    | ---> | contorller | --------> | rest controller |    | DBRepoImpl | |
     | +------------+      +------------+  |    |   +-----------------+    +------------+ |
     |           |           |             |    |           |                  |          |
     |           V           V             |    |           V                  V          |
     |          +-------------+            |    |      +----------+        +------------+ |
     |          |    model    |            |    |      | use case | -----> | repository | |
     |          +-------------+            |    |      +----------+        +------------+ |
     +-------------------------------------+    |           |                             |
                                                |           V
                                                |      +----------+
                                                |      | entities |
                                                |      +----------+

    The sync feature you are talking about is just a special case of the first deployment diagram. You have a repository that stores everything locally. But you have also a use case that is periodically triggered in order to sync to a remote service.

    Either way there is only one entity model.