The facebook technical documentation looks like an ape threw it's own excrement at a website - and that's how useful it is too...
So I have this web app (for android devices) and I need to authenticate using oAuth (since facebook's "kaleidoscope API policy" requires that their APIs are never the same if you look at them twice).
I need to show the login screen and I would like it to open in a dialog box rather than a whole new page, since multiple pages aren't supported on all android devices.
This is what I have so far: HTML:
FB.init({appId : XXXXX,status : true, cookie : true,xfbml : true, oauth:true});
Right now I get the full size PC style login dialog, but I want the nice pretty touch/mobile dialog. Any ideas?
You can fix the issue by using a link that they recommend with a slight modification:
Their Link:
Your Link
Notice the change of www to m.