Passing an allocatable array via actual argument to a subroutine whose corresponding dummy argument is defined as an allocatable array:
module m
real, allocatable :: a(:,:)
end module m
module m2
subroutine p(c)
implicit none
real, allocatable, intent(out):: c(:,:)
write(*,*) 'allocated?=', allocated(c)
end subroutine p
end module m2
program main
use m, only : a
use m2, only: p
implicit none
write(*,*) 'allocated?=', allocated(a)
call p(a)
end program main
The output:
allocated?= T
allocated?= F
The first is as expected, but why the allocated status becomes false, as is indicated by the second output?
Allocatable dummy arguments that have intent(out)
are automatically deallocated when the procedure is entered according to thevstandard. The intent also affects the allocation status, not just the values inside.
It actually makes a very good sense. If it is intent(out)
, any previous allocation status should not matter.