I am trying to get an array of Notification hub connection strings however I always got an error message from listKeys expression
BCP182: : This expression is being used in the for-body of the variable "notificationHubConfig", which requires values that can be calculated at the start of the deployment
Here is my code. First I have an array call notificationHubs in my environment yaml file
In module bicep file. First I get the namespaces of Notification Hubs. They are all existing resource. Then I create an array of notifition hub connection string through listKeys function. And the error happen due to the listKeys expression.
resource namespace 'Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces@2017-04-01' existing = [for i in range(0, length(notificationhubs)): {
name: '${split(notificationhubs[i], ':')[1]}'
scope: resourceGroup('${notificationHubResourceGroupName}')
var notificationHubConfig = [for i in range(0, length(notificationhubs)): {
name: notificationhubs[i]
value: '${listKeys('${namespace[i].id}/AuthorizationRules/RootManageSharedAccessKey', namespace[i].apiVersion).primaryConnectionString}'
I have tested all the inputs of the expression and it seem correct (for example namespace[i].id, namespace[i].apiVersion ...etc). Could anyone can help please. Thank you in advance
The bicep logic that replaces variables in your case does not work for loops.
There is an open issue it on GitHub: Variable substitution logic does not work for variables with loop expressions