
Exception: Bad request: -Google appscript

I have an internal API that I can check by postman status connected to VPN and with a token that changes daily:

but I have not been able to make the same query from Google Apps Script, I get this error:

Exception: Bad request: https://... .

function nomina() {

  var url = '';

  var headers= {
  'Authorization' : 'Bearer token',
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'contentType': 'application/json'


  var options = 
  'method' : 'GET',
  'headers' : headers

  var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url,options);


Maybe you could suggest me something to be able to do the API query?

I need to know why it doesn't give me an answer, this is another API that I use and this does bring me information.

I see this similar post but have same error still:

Request to external api to get authentication token in google appscript


  • Google Apps Script run from the Google servers. It can't use your VPN. You should talk with the responsible of the API and request them to make a connection with Google servers. They might have to involve other people (system and / or networks administrators).