In summary I am ask to add an Azure Dashboard via an ansible playbook. I always get the error "The term New-AzPortalDashboard is not recognized as a name"
There is a pipeline file that
In the playbook it's basically doing stuff with an api and "include_tasks" an yml file. This yml file call a ps1 file to create stuff.
In that ps1 file I added a function to get the format of a azure dashboard do some update and call the New-AzPortalDashboard.
function Add-Dashboard {
param ([String]$subscriptionID,[String]$resourceGroup,[String]$apiManagementName,[String]$dashboardTitle,[String]$location)
$file = New-TemporaryFile
$Content = Get-Content ./templates/api-management-dashboard.json
$Content = $Content -replace '<subscriptionID>', $subscriptionID
$Content = $Content -replace '<ressourceGroupName>', $resourceGroup
$Content = $Content -replace '<apiManagementName>', $apiManagementName
$Content = $Content -replace '<dashboardTitle>', $dashboardTitle
$Content = $Content -replace '<location>', $location
$Content | Set-Content $file
$DashboardParams = @{
DashboardPath = $file
ResourceGroupName = $resourceGroup
DashboardName = $dashboardTitle
New-AzPortalDashboard @DashboardParams
Remove-Item -Path $file
I try to Install-Module for "Az", "Az.Portal" and "Az.Ressource" in the pipeline and the ps1 but it did not work.
Did you check the solution here: Azure DevOps CI/CD missing command: New-AzPortalDashboard
Additionally, verify you are using pwsh core
on your build agent:
for classic:
for yaml:
- task: PowerShell@2
targetType: filePath
filePath: .....
pwsh: true