Whenever I run e.g. a SQL SELECT statement from the SQL Console in Eclipse, I get tabs. One with the script and one with the result.
I prefer SSMS' version, where the result set is being presented in a **window **instead of a tab, such that I can look at the result set while coding. Is this possible to setup?
I tried modifying the Window tab, have been running thru the preferences to see if I could find the functionality.
The SQL Editor Eclipse plug-in that comes with HANA Studio does not allow for changing the output tab to a window (or to anything different, really).
For working with SQL/SQLScript I personally prefer DBeaver which has wide adoption across the HANA user base (see e.g. here, here, here ...)
DBeaver allows for a wide range of output configurations and especially keeping the code editable and the result set visible in the same window.