
Get records that have been added or closed between certain dates in a table

My table:

Column1 Date
Value1 1-Feb
Value2 1-Feb
Value2 2-Feb
Value3 2-Feb
Value1 3-Feb
Value2 3-Feb
Value4 3-Feb

Expected Output:

Column1 Date Status
Value1 1-Feb Added
Value2 1-Feb Added
Value1 2-Feb Closed
Value3 2-Feb Added
Value1 3-Feb Added
Value3 3-Feb Closed
Value4 3-Feb Added

How to get the records that have been added or closed between certain dates in a table in SQL

I'm executing an except command between each date and vice versa then inserting data into a table. Is there any way I can achieve the desired output with a single query?

I'm currently using this solution.

SELECT column1, 'Added' AS Status FROM mytable WHERE date = '2023-02-03' EXCEPT SELECT column1 FROM mytable WHERE date = '2023-02-02'
SELECT column1, 'Closed' AS Status FROM mytable WHERE date = '2023-02-02' EXCEPT SELECT column1 FROM mytable WHERE date = '2023-02-03'


  • You can do it by generating the upcoming days for every column with no upcoming day, then with left join you can get the Status.

    with cte as (
      select column1, DATEADD(day, 1, min(Date)) AS Date
      from mytable
      where  Date < (select max(Date) from mytable)
      group by column1
      having count(1) = 1
      select column1, Date
      from mytable
    cte2 as (
      select c.*, iif(t.Date is not null, 'Added', 'Closed') as status
      from cte c 
      left join mytable t on t.column1 = c.column1 and t.Date = c.Date
    select column1, min(Date) as Date, status 
    from cte2
    group by column1, status
    order by min(Date), column1;

    Demo here