
How to use external namespaces for types in TypeScript / TSX

I'm working with some scripts of Google and Facebook (and some other external scripts like Intercom) in TypeScript by loading them through a script tag. With most of them, I have issues, because I don't have types from them that I can actually import and use.

For example with Facebook, I've installed the package @types/facebook-js-sdk from DefinitelyTyped, which allows me to see the type of window.FB, because it's declared in the namespace from the types package. However, I can't seem to use or import any type to type window.FB when I'm passing it to some other code for example, see code below.

// window.FB is typed here
const fb = new Facebook(window.FB)
class Facebook {
  // How can I type fb here?
  constructor(fb) {
    this.fb = fb

Is there any way I can use the namespace to get types? Do I need to write the types myself in this case? Open to suggestions!


  • You can get the type for your typed window variable by doing typeof.

    So for example

    class Facebook {
      fb: typeof window.FB
      constructor(fb: typeof window.FB) {
        if (typeof fb === 'undefined') {
          throw new Error('The Facebook API is not initialized!')
        this.fb = fb