Here's a doubt I am facing here.
The code with its purpose in docstring is below :
This is the correct code but I am confused about the final 'if statement' in the blackjack_hand_greater_than(a,b) function.
Here, the 'if statement' is not True for total_1 > total_2 even if it is(* checked through print statements). I am not getting what is the need of adding 'or total_2 > 21' .
def blackjack_hand_greater_than(hand_1, hand_2):
Return True if hand_1 beats hand_2, and False otherwise.
In order for hand_1 to beat hand_2 the following must be true:
- The total of hand_1 must not exceed 21
- The total of hand_1 must exceed the total of hand_2 OR hand_2's total must exceed 21
Hands are represented as a list of cards. Each card is represented by a string.
When adding up a hand's total, cards with numbers count for that many points. Face
cards ('J', 'Q', and 'K') are worth 10 points. 'A' can count for 1 or 11.
When determining a hand's total, you should try to count aces in the way that
maximizes the hand's total without going over 21. e.g. the total of ['A', 'A', '9'] is 21,
the total of ['A', 'A', '9', '3'] is 14.
>>> blackjack_hand_greater_than(['K'], ['3', '4'])
>>> blackjack_hand_greater_than(['K'], ['10'])
>>> blackjack_hand_greater_than(['K', 'K', '2'], ['3'])
print("hand1 = ",hand_1)
print("hand2 = ",hand_2)
total_1 = get_total(hand_1)
total_2 = get_total(hand_2)
print(total_1 <= 21)
print(total_1 > total_2)
if (total_1 <= 21) and (total_1>total_2 or total_2 > 21):
return True
else :
return False
def get_total(hands) :
values = {'A': 1 ,'2': 2, '3' : 3, '4' : 4 ,'5' : 5, '6' : 6,'7': 7, '8' : 8, '9' : 9, '10' : 10 , 'J' :10 , 'Q':10, 'K':10}
total = 0
aces = 0
for x in hands:
if x == 'A' :
aces += 1
total += values[x]
# print(total)
while aces>0 and total + 10 <= 21 :
total += 10
aces -=1
return total
# Check your answer
The error after removing the 2nd operand of 'or', the error received is as follows :
hand1 = ['J', 'A'] hand2 = ['6'] 21 6 True True
hand1 = ['9'] hand2 = ['9', 'Q', '8', 'A'] 9 28 True False
Incorrect: Expected return value of True given hand_1=['9'], hand_2=['9', 'Q', '8', 'A'], but got False instead.
Im shared how can I solved it
1-I split the numbers and letters 2-I sorted the letter in order letter A is the last one
def sum_hand(hand):
for n in hand:
if n.isnumeric():
hand = number
#hand = sorted(number) + sorted(letter,reverse:True)
for card in hand:
if (card == 'J' or card == 'Q' or card == 'K'):
result_hand += 10
elif (card.isdigit()):
result_hand += int(card)
if(result_hand <= 10):
result_hand += 10
result_hand += 1
return result_hand
def blackjack_hand_greater_than(hand_1, hand_2):
result_hand1 = sum_hand(hand_1)
result_hand2 = sum_hand(hand_2)
print('hand1-', result_hand1 , ' hand2', result_hand2)
if result_hand1 > 21:
return False
if result_hand2 > 21:
return True
if (result_hand1 > result_hand2 ):
return True
return False