I try to use cypress-wait-until
for a simple case. https://github.com/NoriSte/cypress-wait-until
Working code (cypress-wait-until not used)
before(() => {
describe('Foo', () => {
it('should check that registration button is displayed', () => {
const selector = 'button[data-test=startRegistration-individual-button]';
Not working, timed out retrying
before(() => {
describe('Foo', () => {
it('should check that registration button is displayed', () => {
const options = { timeout: 8000, interval: 4000 };
const selector = 'button[data-test=startRegistration-individual-button]';
cy.waitUntil(() => cy.reload().then(() => Cypress.$(selector).length), options);
Not working, see error below
before(() => {
describe('Foo', () => {
it('should check that registration button is displayed', () => {
const options = { timeout: 8000, interval: 4000 };
const selector = 'button[data-test=startRegistration-individual-button]';
cy.waitUntil(() => {
return Cypress.$(selector).length;
}, options);
For the two versions not working as soon as I remove cy.reload()
, it starts to work.
What can I do to make it work with a reload?
This command I wrote works correctly.
Cypress.Commands.add('refreshUntil', (selector: string, opts?: { retries: number; waitAfterRefresh: number }) => {
const defaultOptions = {
retries: 10,
waitAfterRefresh: 2500,
const options = { ...defaultOptions, ...opts };
function check(selector: string): any {
if (Cypress.$(selector).length) { // Element is there
return true;
if (options.retries === 0) {
throw Error(`${selector} not found`);
options.retries -= 1;
cy.log(`Element ${selector} not found. Remaining attempts: ${options.retries}`);
// Wait a some time for the server to respond
return cy.wait(options.waitAfterRefresh).then(() => check(selector));
I could see two potential difference with waitUntil
from cypress-wait-until
would be new on each trywait
time after the reload before checking again if the element is thereHere is the working solution using cypress-wait-until
cy.waitUntil(() => cy.reload().wait(2500).then(() => Cypress.$(selector).length), options);
I ended up writing my own method (inspired from cypress-wait-until
) without the need to have a hard wait time
* Run a check, and then refresh wait until an element is displayed.
* Retries for a specified amount of time.
* @function
* @param {function} firstCheckFunction - The function to run before checking if the element is displayed.
* @param {string|{ selector: string, type: string }} selector - The selector to search for. Can be a string or an object with selector and type properties.
* @param {WaitUntilOptions} [opts={timeout: 5000, interval: 500}] - The options object, with timeout and interval properties.
* @throws {Error} if the firstWaitFunction parameter is not a function.
* @throws {Error} if the specified element is not found after all retries.
* @example
* cy.refreshUntilDisplayed('#element-id', () => {...});
* cy.refreshUntilDisplayed({ selector: 'element-id', type: 'div' }, () => {...});
Cypress.Commands.add('waitFirstRefreshUntilDisplayed', (firstCheckFunction, selector: string | { selector: string, type: string }, opts = {}) => {
if (!(firstCheckFunction instanceof Function)) {
throw new Error(`\`firstCheckFunction\` parameter should be a function. Found: ${firstCheckFunction}`);
let parsedSelector = '';
// Define the default options for the underlying `cy.wait` command
const defaultOptions = {
timeout: 5000,
interval: 500,
const options = { ...defaultOptions, ...opts };
// Calculate the number of retries to wait for the element to be displayed
let retries = Math.floor(options.timeout / options.interval);
const totalRetries = retries;
if (typeof selector === 'string') {
parsedSelector = selector;
if (typeof selector !== 'string' && selector.selector && selector.type) {
parsedSelector = `${selector.type}[data-test=${selector.selector}]`;
// Define the check function that will be called recursively until the element is displayed
function check(selector: string): boolean {
if (Cypress.$(selector).length) { // Element exists
return true;
if (retries < 1) {
throw Error(`${selector} not found`);
if (totalRetries !== retries) { // we don't reload first time
cy.log(`Element ${parsedSelector} not found. ${retries} left`);
// Waits for the firstCheckFunction to return true,
// then pause for the time define in options.interval
// and call recursively the check function
cy.waitUntil(firstCheckFunction, options).then(() => { // We first for firstCheckFunction to be true
cy.wait(options.interval).then(() => { // Then we loop until the selector is displayed
retries -= 1;
return check(selector);
return false;