
Showing Browse Features window on popup instead of Summary

I’m working with Arcgis version 4.25 (javascript) and using cluster. I used the sample and want to show Browse Features content window on opening popup instead of showing summary. How can I do that programmatically? enter image description here


  • Basically, you have to query the layer view with the aggregatedId. The aggregated id is the objectId of the selected cluster feature.

    Here I put an example for you using the esri sample you use as base. The key part, is when the CustomContent is render (the creator method).

    <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no" />
            Point clustering - basic configuration | Sample | ArcGIS Maps SDK for
            JavaScript 4.25
            #viewDiv {
                padding: 0;
                margin: 0;
                height: 100%;
                width: 100%;
                background: rgba(50, 50, 50);
            #infoDiv {
                padding: 10px;
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
        <script src=""></script>
            ], (Map, FeatureLayer, GeoJSONLayer, MapView, Legend, Expand, Home, CustomContent) => {
                const layer = new GeoJSONLayer({
                    title: "Earthquakes from the last month",
                    url: "",
                    copyright: "USGS Earthquakes",
                    outFields: ["*"],
                    popupTemplate: {
                        title: "Magnitude {mag} {type}",
                        content: "Magnitude {mag} {type} hit {place} on {time}"
                    renderer: {
                        type: "simple",
                        field: "mag",
                        symbol: {
                            type: "simple-marker",
                            size: 4,
                            color: "#69dcff",
                            outline: {
                                color: "rgba(0, 139, 174, 0.5)",
                                width: 5
                const baseLayer = new FeatureLayer({
                    portalItem: {
                        id: "2b93b06dc0dc4e809d3c8db5cb96ba69"
                    legendEnabled: false,
                    popupEnabled: false,
                    renderer: {
                        type: "simple",
                        symbol: {
                            type: "simple-fill",
                            color: [65, 65, 65, 1],
                            outline: {
                                color: [50, 50, 50, 0.75],
                                width: 0.5
                    spatialReference: {
                        wkid: 5936
                const map = new Map({
                    layers: [baseLayer, layer]
                const view = new MapView({
                    container: "viewDiv",
                    extent: {
                        spatialReference: {
                            wkid: 5936
                        xmin: 1270382,
                        ymin: -1729511,
                        xmax: 2461436,
                        ymax: -953893
                    spatialReference: {
                        // WGS_1984_EPSG_Alaska_Polar_Stereographic
                        wkid: 5936
                    constraints: {
                        minScale: 15469455
                    map: map
                view.popup.viewModel.includeDefaultActions = false;
                view.whenLayerView(layer).then(lv => {
                    const layerView = lv;
                    const customContentPromise = new CustomContent({
                        outFields: ["*"],
                        creator: (event) => {
                            const query = layerView.createQuery();
                            query.aggregateIds = [event.graphic.getObjectId()];
                            return layerView.queryFeatures(query).then(result => {
                                const contentDiv = document.createElement("div");
                                const featuresUl = document.createElement("ul");
                                let featureLi;
                                for (const feature of result.features) {
                                    featureLi = document.createElement("li");
                                    featureLi.innerText = `Magnitude ${feature.attributes.mag} ${feature.attributes.type} hit ${} on ${feature.attributes.time}`;
                                return contentDiv
                    const clusterConfig = {
                        type: "cluster",
                        clusterRadius: "100px",
                        popupTemplate: {
                            title: "Cluster summary",
                            outFields: ["*"],
                            content: [customContentPromise],
                            actions: []
                        clusterMinSize: "24px",
                        clusterMaxSize: "60px",
                        labelingInfo: [
                                deconflictionStrategy: "none",
                                labelExpressionInfo: {
                                    expression: "Text($feature.cluster_count, '#,###')"
                                symbol: {
                                    type: "text",
                                    color: "#004a5d",
                                    font: {
                                        weight: "bold",
                                        family: "Noto Sans",
                                        size: "12px"
                                labelPlacement: "center-center"
                    layer.featureReduction = clusterConfig;
                    const toggleButton = document.getElementById("cluster");
                    toggleButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
                        let fr = layer.featureReduction;
                        layer.featureReduction =
                            fr && fr.type === "cluster" ? null : clusterConfig;
                        toggleButton.innerText =
                            toggleButton.innerText === "Enable Clustering"
                                ? "Disable Clustering"
                                : "Enable Clustering";
                    new Home({
                        view: view
                const legend = new Legend({
                    view: view,
                    container: "legendDiv"
                const infoDiv = document.getElementById("infoDiv");
                    new Expand({
                        view: view,
                        content: infoDiv,
                        expandIconClass: "esri-icon-layer-list",
                        expanded: false
        <div id="viewDiv"></div>
        <div id="infoDiv" class="esri-widget">
            <button id="cluster" class="esri-button">Disable Clustering</button>
            <div id="legendDiv"></div>