
Duplicity and Dropbox short-lived token expires

Since Dropbox switched from long-lived to short-lived access tokens duplicity isn't working properly anymore as the token expires. Is it possible Is there a fix/workaround to this?


  • The Duplicity Dropbox backend still doesn't seem to support short-lived tokens, but you could use the Duplicity rclone backend instead, which is part of the Duplicity codebase since version 0.8.09. It allows Duplicity to back up to any target that is supported by rclone – and rclone supports Dropbox short-lived tokens out of the box since version 1.54. Here's how to set this up:

    1. Set up the rclone dropbox remote using rclone --config. The default choices worked for me. See the rclone dropbox documentation for more details.
    2. Test that the remote works, for example by listing the remote files using rclone ls [your-remote-name]:
    3. Run duplicity with a target in the form rclone://[your-remote-name]: