I am looking for help thinking through this.
I have a function (that is not a generator) that will give me any number of samples. Let's say that getting all the data I want to train (1000 samples) can't fit into memory. So I want to call this function 10 times to get smaller number of samples that fit into memory.
This is a dummy example for simplicity.
def get_samples(num_samples: int, random_seed=0):
x = np.random.randint(0,100, num_samples)
y = np.random.randint(0,2, num_samples)
return np.array(list(zip(x,y))
Again lets say get_samples(1000,0) won't fit into memory.
So in theory I am looking for something like this:
batch_size = 100
total_num_samples = 1000
batches = []
for i in range(total_num_samples//batch_size):
batches.append(get_samples(batch_size, i))
But this still loads everything into memory.
Again this function is a dummy representation and the real one is already defined and not a generator.
In tf land. I was hoping that:
tf.data.Dataset.batch[0] would equal to the output of get_data(100,0)
tf.data.Dataset.batch[1] would equal to the output of get_data(100,1)
tf.data.Dataset.batch[2] would equal to the output of get_data(100,2)
tf.data.Dataset.batch[9] would equal to the output of get_data(100,9)
I understand that I can use tf.data.Datasets with a generator (and I think you can set a generator per batch). But the function I have gives more than a single sample. The set up is too expensive to set it up for a every single sample.
I was wanting to use tf.data.Dataset.prefetch() to run the get_batch function on every batch. And of course, it would call the get_batch with the same parameters on every epoch.
Sorry if the explaination is convoluted. Trying my best to describe the problem.
Anyone have any ideas?
This what I came up with:
def simple_static_synthesizer(batch_size, seed=1, verbose=True):
if verbose:
print(f"Creating Synthetic Data with seed {seed}")
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
all_x = []
all_y = []
for i in range(batch_size):
x = np.array(np.concatenate((rng.integers(0,100, 1, dtype=int), rng.integers(0,100, 1, dtype=int), rng.integers(0,100, 1, dtype=int))))
y = np.array(rng.integers(0,2,1, dtype=int))
return all_x, all_y
def my_generator(total_size, batch_size, seed=0, verbose=True):
counter = 0
for i in range(total_size):
# Regenerate for each batch
if counter%batch_size == 0: # Regen data for every batch
x,y = simple_static_synthesizer(batch_size,seed,verbose)
seed += 1
yield x[i%batch_size],y[i%batch_size]
counter += 1
my_gen = my_generator(10,2,seed=1)
# See values
for x,y in my_gen:
# Call again, this give same answer as above
my_gen = my_generator(10,2,seed=1)
for x,y in my_gen:
# Dataset with small batches to see if it is doing it correctly
total_samples = 10
batch_size = 2
seed = 5
dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_generator(
tf.TensorSpec(shape=(3,), dtype=tf.uint8),
tf.TensorSpec(shape=(1,), dtype=tf.uint8),
for i,(x,y) in enumerate(dataset):
if i == 4:
break # shows first 3 syn calls
Wish we could have notebook answers!