The web table has a combination of textbox, span and checkboxes. I need to get first row of all the data in single def and have to verify with DB in order wise.
Ex: First row of table has columns like below.
OrderID(span), EmpName(input), IsHeEligible(checkbox), Address(span)
By using below,
def tebleFirstData = scriptAll("table/tbody/tr/td",'_.textContent')
Able to get only span text data, not able to get input tag test data.
I tried below,
data = attribute("table/tbody/tr/td[5]/input",'value')
But, I'm able to get only single input tag attribute value.
How can I get all the data in single def, i.e span data and input data?
Below is the solution to get all row data from table..!
* def UiFirstRowElements = locateAll("Row xpath")