I am using Brownie and added a Ganache local network using the following command:
brownie networks add Development ganache-local host=HTTP:// cmd=ganache-cli
After compiling, I try to deploy the smart contracts with brownie run token.py --network ganache-local
Then, I get the following error:
TokenProject is the active project.
File "brownie/_cli/__main__.py", line 64, in main
File "brownie/_cli/run.py", line 45, in main
File "brownie/network/main.py", line 40, in connect
web3.connect(host, active.get("timeout", 30))
File "brownie/network/web3.py", line 68, in connect
raise ValueError(
ValueError: Unknown URI - must be a path to an IPC socket, a websocket beginning with 'ws' or a URL beginning with 'http'
I did some digging and found this in the source code:
if self.provider is None:
if uri.startswith("ws"):
self.provider = WebsocketProvider(uri, {"close_timeout": timeout})
elif uri.startswith("http"):
self.provider = HTTPProvider(uri, {"timeout": timeout})
raise ValueError(
"Unknown URI - must be a path to an IPC socket, a websocket "
"beginning with 'ws' or a URL beginning with 'http'"
Does this mean I have to set a provider (like Alchemy) for my local network? Does that even make sense?
After 4 days of struggling, passing the network_id=5777
argument solved my problem. Apparently, brownie cannot recognize the local network created in the Ganache app without this argument.