I have a very short question : how can I access the list of variables defined in a R Shiny App ?
I am looking to something equivalent to the ls()
function, which does not work as expected in R Shiny...
I would be very grateful if you could help.
Thanks in advance
Here a piece of code with what I would like to do:
my_file1 = "monfichier.txt"
my_file2 = "monfichier.txt"
ui = fluidPage(
server <- function(input, output,session){
output$print_fichiers <- renderPrint({
## I would like to use ls() function
# to print the ''hard-coded'' filename stored
# in the variables that match the pattern ''file''
all_files <- ls()[grepl("file", xx)]
for(ifile in all_files) {
# would like to print
# my_file1 = monfichier.txt and so on
print(paste0("\n", ifile, "\t=\t\"", get(ifile) , "\"\n"))
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
When looking for variables ls()
will use the current environment. Since you are calling it inside a function, you will only see variables local to that scope by default. You can explicitly ask for the global environment by using
all_files <- ls(pattern="file", envir=globalenv())
This will return all global variables with "file" in their name. No need to use grepl
since ls
already has a pattern=
Another option would be to explicitly capture the environment you want to explore in a vairable
my_file1 = "monfichier.txt"
my_file2 = "monfichier.txt"
shiny_env <- environment()
ui = fluidPage(fluidPage(br(),fluidRow(verbatimTextOutput('print_fichiers'))))
server <- function(input, output,session){
output$print_fichiers <- renderPrint({
all_files <- ls(pattern="file", envir=shiny_env)
for(ifile in all_files) {
print(paste0("\n", ifile, "\t=\t\"", get(ifile) , "\"\n"))
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)