
SAS finding overlapping dates and add a flag

I have a dataset at id level with some overlapping dates. All I need to find those rows and add an identifier to count the number overlapping records.

          ID     ITEM      StrDate             EndDate
          1001   A121       02/01/2022        02/15/2022
          1001   B121       03/10/2022        03/10/2022
          1002   C121       02/01/2022        02/10/2022
          1002   D121       02/05/2022        02/15/2022
          1003   E121       03/10/2022        03/21/2022
          1003   F121       03/12/2022        03/21/2022
          1004   G121       01/12/2022        01/14/2022

Below is the Result that I am expecting

          ID     ITEM      StrDate             EndDate             Indicator
          1001   A121       02/01/2022        02/15/2022              N
          1001   B121       03/10/2022        03/10/2022              N
          1002   C121       02/01/2022        02/10/2022              Y
          1002   D121       02/05/2022        02/15/2022              Y
          1003   E121       03/10/2022        03/21/2022              Y
          1003   F121       03/12/2022        03/21/2022              Y
          1004   G121       01/12/2022        01/14/2022              N

I tried sorting the data first on StrDate and EndDate

            Proc sort data=Data; by ID StrDate EndDate;run;

Then I tried using lag function to find the same id and subtract the dates but I figured that's not the correct way of doing.

I appreciate your help here. thanks


  • Simple overlap logic:

    proc sql;
    create table want as
        /* simple overlap logic  */
            when a.strdate <= b.strdate & a.enddate >= b.strdate then 'Y'
            when b.strdate < a.strdate & b.enddate >= a.strdate then 'Y'
            else 'N'
            end as overlap
        have  a
        left join
        have  b
            on =         /* join on same ids      */
            and a.item <> b.item   /* but not the same item */


    ID  ITEM    StrDate EndDate overlap
    1001    B121    03/10/2022  03/10/2022  N
    1001    A121    02/01/2022  02/15/2022  N
    1002    D121    02/05/2022  02/15/2022  Y
    1002    C121    02/01/2022  02/10/2022  Y
    1003    E121    03/10/2022  03/21/2022  Y
    1003    F121    03/12/2022  03/21/2022  Y
    1004    G121    01/12/2022  01/14/2022  N

    Overlap occurs if StartA <= StartB when:

    StartA          EndA>=StartB