
What is the name of Rust function signatures with type on left of parameter?

From Axum Example:

async fn handler(Query(params): Query<Params>) -> String {
    format!("{:?}", params)

What is the name of the signature pattern when Query(params) is used on param left?


  • What is the name of the signature pattern when Query(params) is used on param left?

    It's literally just a pattern (as in pattern-matching): in Rust, a binding (a parameter, or the left-hand side of a let, or the left hand side of a for) can be a pattern as long as it's infallible (/ irrefutable*). match and friends are necessary for refutable patterns (patterns which can fail, because they only match a subset of all possible values).

    Some languages call this destructuring but Rust doesn't make a difference.

    For Axum, it's just a convenient way of accessing the contents of the query parameter (or other extractors), you could also write this as:

    async fn handler(query: Query<Params>) -> String {
        format!("{:?}", query.0)


    async fn handler(query: Query<Params>) -> String {
        let Query(params) = query;
        format!("{:?}", params)