I am currently trying to build a Flutter app with Jenkins. For the initial setup I have a master-slave setup in which the slave is a Mac machine which will create the build (slave machine is connected as well).
Below is the pipeline script:
pipeline {
agent {
label "macos16Node"
environment {
flutter = " /Users/username/Desktop/flutter"
stages {
stage ('Flutter Doctor') {
steps {
sh '$flutter doctor -v'
stage('GIT PULL') {
steps {a
git branch: 'main', credentialsId: 'github_token', url: ‘mygitrepo’
stage('TEST') {
steps {
sh ‘$flutter test'
stage('BUILD') {
steps {
sh '''
flutter build apk --debug
Whenever I build the pipeline it gives me an error.
Following is the console output:
[Pipeline] Start of Pipeline
[Pipeline] node
Running on slaveNode in /var/root/workspace/first pipeline
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] withEnv
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Flutter Doctor)
[Pipeline] withEnv
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
+ /Users/user/Desktop/flutter doctor -v
/var/root/workspace/first pipeline@tmp/durable-f6dbaa4a/script.sh: 1: /Users/user/Desktop/flutter: not found
I have also not set any path in the env variables in Jenkins. Why does it not detect Flutter, do I need and additional setup for this?
flutter binary is not the in the PATH of jenkins shell
Download flutter anywhere like /tmp/workspace/flutter and override the PATH in the environment.
Jenkins 2.375.2
pipeline {
agent any
environment {
PATH = "$PATH:/tmp/workspace/flutter/bin"
stages {
stage('Setup') {
steps {
print "${env.PATH}"
stage('Build') {
steps {
sh "flutter doctor -v"
There is no magic with Jenkins, if it works in the shell, it will work with Jenkins.
In the machine which jenkins will execute the build commands, try the command flutter doctor -v
. You will see this error:
Similar to the jenkins error
So, install flutter with snap
sudo snap install flutter --classic
or download it with curl
curl https://storage.googleapis.com/flutter_infra_release/releases/stable/linux/flutter_linux_3.7.3-stable.tar.xz -o /foo/bar/flutter.tar.xz
apt-get install xz-utils
tar xf /foo/bar/flutter.tar.xz
You should have these files ls -la /foo/bar/flutter
Finally you need to add the flutter to the shell PATH variable. You could use the java style
export FLUTTER_HOME=/foo/bar/flutter
If you run the command, it will work
For declarative pipeline, since PATH is a special env var, the only way to modify it is with:
environment {
PATH = "$PATH:/foo/bar/flutter/bin"
Similar to the host shell example PATH=$PATH:$FLUTTER_HOME/bin
After that, you could use flutter anywhere of your pipeline
For scripted pipeline, these 2 options worked for me:
#1 Modifying the PATH variable
node {
print "${env.PATH}"
def FLUTTER_HOME = "/tmp/workspace/flutter"
env.PATH = env.PATH+":$FLUTTER_HOME/bin"
print "${env.PATH}"
sh "flutter doctor -v"
#2 withEnv PATH+EXTRA
node {
def FLUTTER_HOME = "/tmp/workspace/flutter"
sh 'flutter doctor -v'
sh "flutter doctor -v"
The only problem with this latest option is that flutter will work only in the withEnv{...} scope.