I'm doing a case study for which I need some help.
Background - There are a bunch of people who have applied for Visa and have made multiple applications through different channels. I have to find out if a person has reapplied within 30 days of their previous application (Y/N), their reapplied channel and date. Every entry should be considered independent irrespective of multiple entries by a single person. [See attached image] Ex - PETE5O made first application on 5th Aug but second was not made within 30 days hence is it is not reapplied but the third was made within 30 days of second and hence it is reapplied and also the channel of reapplication would be channel of third application here (which is basically reapplication), same goes with date, so and so forth. There can be n number of applications made by a single person. Also, there can be chances of multiple reapplications. Please advise what should I do. I have info in yellow but want to get the info in blue.
Code -
data have;
format apply_date date9.;
input Id $ Channel $ Apply_date date9. ;
SAM1D Online 1-Oct-22
SAM1D Kiosk 9-Oct-22
PETE5O Office 5-Aug-22
PETE5O Kiosk 6-Sep-22
PETE5O Online 8-Sep-22
PETE5O Kiosk 5-Oct-22
Thanks in advance.
Expecting results in blue to be populated. [See attached image]
To calculate based on future actions process the data in reverse chronological order. That way you can use LAG() to remember those future events.
proc sort data=have ;
by id descending apply_date;
data want;
set have;
by id descending apply_date;
length reapply_flag $3 reapply_channel $6 reapply_date 8;
format reapply_date date9.;
if first.id then call missing(of reapply_channel reapply_date);
else if lag_date - apply_date <= 30 then do;
drop lag_: ;
Apply_ reapply_ reapply_ reapply_
Obs Id Channel date flag channel date
1 PETE5O Kiosk 05OCT2022 No .
2 PETE5O Online 08SEP2022 Yes Kiosk 05OCT2022
3 PETE5O Kiosk 06SEP2022 Yes Online 08SEP2022
4 PETE5O Office 05AUG2022 No .
5 SAM1D Kiosk 09OCT2022 No .
6 SAM1D Online 01OCT2022 Yes Kiosk 09OCT2022