Hello I'm studying MFC and I wanna know how to save a specific part of image which is in Picture Control when I click.
Here is the sequence what I want to do
I already make a function that when I click grab button, it shows the image in picture control.
After that, I want to save image when I click specific area.
I attach the image to help understand.
"I want to know how to save the surrounding area as an image when I click a specific part of the picture control as shown above."
It would be easy problem, but I'd appreciate it if you understand because it's my first time doing this.
I tryed to use ScreenToClient function, but I failed.
There are quite a few ways to do this, but the general idea is usually pretty much the same:
There are variations (e.g., writing the data to a file without using a CImage), but they tend to be tedious, and unless you're willing to put quite a bit of effort into things, fairly limited as well. e.g., writing a .BMP file on your own isn't terribly difficult, but is a bit tedious.If you want to support writing JPEG, TIFF, PNG, etc., you either need to integrate a number of libraries, or else write quite a bit of code for the file formats. CImage is somewhat limited as well, but at least supports a half dozen or so of the most common formats (and most people find just JPEG, PNG and possibly GIF sufficient).
Here's a bit of tested sample code for saving a 200x200 chunk of whatever's displayed in the current view window into a file named capture.jpg
void CPicCapView::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) {
// width and height of area to capture
static const uint32_t width = 200;
static const uint32_t height = 200;
CClientDC dc(this);
CDC temp;
CBitmap bmp;
bmp.CreateCompatibleBitmap(&dc, width, height);
// x-width/2, y-width/2 to get area centered at click point
temp.BitBlt(0, 0, width, height, &dc, point.x- width/2, point.y-height/2, SRCCOPY);
CImage dest;
// for the moment, just saving to a fixed file name
CView::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point);
It might initially seem like you should be able to create the CImage object, use its Create
to create a bitmap, and then blit directly from the screen bitmap to the CImage bitmap. Unfortunately, CImage's BitBlt uses the CImage as a source, not a destination, so although there may be some way to get this to work, the obvious method doesn't.