I made my own dataset loader python file to load MSCOCO2017 with caption data
this is my coco.py
_CITATION = """\
author = {Tsung{-}Yi Lin and
Michael Maire and
Serge J. Belongie and
Lubomir D. Bourdev and
Ross B. Girshick and
James Hays and
Pietro Perona and
Deva Ramanan and
Piotr Doll{'{a} }r and
C. Lawrence Zitnick},
title = {Microsoft {COCO:} Common Objects in Context},
journal = {CoRR},
volume = {abs/1405.0312},
year = {2014},
url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1405.0312},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
eprint = {1405.0312},
timestamp = {Mon, 13 Aug 2018 16:48:13 +0200},
biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/bib/journals/corr/LinMBHPRDZ14},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org}
# Add description of the dataset here
# You can copy an official description
COCO is a large-scale object detection, segmentation, and captioning
# Add a link to an official homepage for the dataset here
_HOMEPAGE = "http://cocodataset.org/#home"
# Add the licence for the dataset here if you can find it
# Add link to the official dataset URLs here
# The HuggingFace dataset library don't host the datasets but only point to the original files
# This can be an arbitrary nested dict/list of URLs (see below in `_split_generators` method)
# This script is supposed to work with local (downloaded) COCO dataset.
_URLs = {}
class NewDataset(datasets.GeneratorBasedBuilder):
VERSION = datasets.Version("0.0.0")
# You will be able to load one or the other configurations in the following list with
# data = datasets.load_dataset('my_dataset', 'first_domain')
# data = datasets.load_dataset('my_dataset', 'second_domain')
def _info(self):
feature_dict = {
'filename': datasets.Value(dtype='string'),
'imgid': datasets.Value(dtype='int64'),
'tokens': datasets.Sequence(feature=datasets.Sequence(feature=datasets.Value(dtype='string'), length=-1), length=1),
'sentences': datasets.Sequence(datasets.Value(dtype='string'), length=1),
'split': datasets.Value(dtype='string'),
'sentids': datasets.Sequence(feature=datasets.Value(dtype='int64'), length=1),
'image': datasets.Array3D(shape=(224, 224, 3), dtype='uint8')
features = datasets.Features(feature_dict)
return datasets.DatasetInfo(
# This is the description that will appear on the datasets page.
# This defines the different columns of the dataset and their types
features=features, # Here we define them above because they are different between the two configurations
# If there's a common (input, target) tuple from the features,
# specify them here. They'll be used if as_supervised=True in
# builder.as_dataset.
# Homepage of the dataset for documentation
# License for the dataset if available
# Citation for the dataset
def _split_generators(self, dl_manager):
"""Returns SplitGenerators."""
data_dir = self.config.data_dir
train_root = os.path.join(data_dir, 'images/train2017')
valid_root = os.path.join(data_dir, 'images/val2017')
train_captions = os.path.join(data_dir, 'annotations/captions_train2017.json')
valid_captions = os.path.join(data_dir, 'annotations/captions_val2017.json')
train_img_list = glob(train_root+ '/*.jpg')
valid_img_list = glob(valid_root+ '/*.jpg')
with open(train_captions) as f:
train_data = json.load(f)
with open(valid_captions) as f:
valid_data = json.load(f)
for d in train_data['annotations']:
train_cap_dict[d['image_id']] = d['caption']
for d in valid_data['annotations']:
valid_cap_dict[d['image_id']] = d['caption']
_items = defaultdict(list)
_items = {
'train' : {'filename': _____, 'sentences' : ______,....},
'val' :
valid_len = int(len(train_data['images']) * 0.8)
for idx,data in enumerate(train_img_list):
if idx < valid_len:
filename = os.path.basename(data)
file_num = filename[6:12]
temp_dict['filename'] = filename
temp_dict['imgid'] = idx
temp_dict['sentids'] = [idx]
temp_dict['filepath'] = f"{data_dir}images/train2017/000000{file_num}.jpg"
sent_temp = train_cap_dict[int(file_num)]
temp_dict['sentences'] = [{"raw":sent_temp,"tokens":sent_temp.split(),"sentid":idx,"imgid":idx}]
filename = os.path.basename(data)
file_num = filename[6:12]
temp_dict['filename'] = filename
temp_dict['imgid'] = idx
temp_dict['sentids'] = [idx]
temp_dict['filepath'] = f"{data_dir}images/train2017/000000{file_num}.jpg"
sent_temp = train_cap_dict[int(file_num)]
temp_dict['sentences'] = [{"raw":sent_temp,"tokens":sent_temp.split(),"sentid":idx,"imgid":idx}]
_items["train"] = train_list_
for idx,data in enumerate(valid_img_list):
filename = os.path.basename(data)
file_num = filename[6:12]
temp_dict['filename'] = filename
temp_dict['imgid'] = (idx + len(train_img_list))
temp_dict['sentids'] = [(idx + len(train_img_list))]
temp_dict['filepath'] = f"{data_dir}images/val2017/000000{file_num}.jpg"
sent_temp = valid_cap_dict[int(file_num)]
temp_dict['sentences'] = [{"raw":sent_temp,"tokens":sent_temp.split(),"sentid":(idx + len(train_img_list)),"imgid":(idx + len(train_img_list))}]
_items["test"] = test_list_
return [
gen_kwargs={"items":_items["train"], "data_dir":data_dir},
gen_kwargs={"items":_items["test"], "data_dir":data_dir},
gen_kwargs={"items":_items["val"], "data_dir":data_dir},
def _generate_examples(self, items, data_dir):
""" Yields examples as (key, example) tuples. """
# "sentences": [{"tokens": ["many", "planes", "are", "parked", "next", "to", "a", "long", "building", "in", "an", "airport"], "raw": "many planes are parked next to a long building in an airport .",
# This method handles input defined in _split_generators to yield (key, example) tuples from the dataset.
# The `key` is here for legacy reason (tfds) and is not important in itself.
#'filename' 'imgid''tokens' 'sentences''split''sentids'image
for _id, item in enumerate(items):
image = Image.open(item.pop('filepath'))
newsize = (224,224)
image = image.resize(newsize)
image = np.asarray(image)
sentences = item.pop('sentences')
sample = {"image":image,
"sentences":[s["raw"] for s in sentences],
"tokens":[s["tokens"] for s in sentences],
yield _id, sample
and when i load coco dataset
from datasets import load_dataset
squad_it_dataset = load_dataset('coco.py', data_files="data/coco.json", data_dir='~/coco2017/')
i get this error
ArrowTypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/datasets/builder.py:1588, in GeneratorBasedBuilder._prepare_split_single(self, gen_kwargs, fpath, file_format, max_shard_size, split_info, check_duplicate_keys, job_id)
1587 example = self.info.features.encode_example(record) if self.info.features is not None else record
-> 1588 writer.write(example, key)
1589 num_examples_progress_update += 1
File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/datasets/arrow_writer.py:488, in ArrowWriter.write(self, example, key, writer_batch_size)
486 self.hkey_record = []
--> 488 self.write_examples_on_file()
File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/datasets/arrow_writer.py:446, in ArrowWriter.write_examples_on_file(self)
442 batch_examples[col] = [
443 row[0][col].to_pylist()[0] if isinstance(row[0][col], (pa.Array, pa.ChunkedArray)) else row[0][col]
444 for row in self.current_examples
445 ]
--> 446 self.write_batch(batch_examples=batch_examples)
447 self.current_examples = []
File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/datasets/arrow_writer.py:551, in ArrowWriter.write_batch(self, batch_examples, writer_batch_size)
550 typed_sequence = OptimizedTypedSequence(col_values, type=col_type, try_type=col_try_type, col=col)
--> 551 arrays.append(pa.array(typed_sequence))
552 inferred_features[col] = typed_sequence.get_inferred_type()
File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyarrow/array.pxi:231, in pyarrow.lib.array()
File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyarrow/array.pxi:110, in pyarrow.lib._handle_arrow_array_protocol()
File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/datasets/arrow_writer.py:179, in TypedSequence.__arrow_array__(self, type)
178 if isinstance(pa_type, _ArrayXDExtensionType):
--> 179 storage = to_pyarrow_listarray(data, pa_type)
180 return pa.ExtensionArray.from_storage(pa_type, storage)
File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/datasets/features/features.py:1438, in to_pyarrow_listarray(data, pa_type)
1437 else:
-> 1438 return pa.array(data, pa_type.storage_dtype)
File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyarrow/array.pxi:317, in pyarrow.lib.array()
File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyarrow/array.pxi:39, in pyarrow.lib._sequence_to_array()
File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyarrow/error.pxi:144, in pyarrow.lib.pyarrow_internal_check_status()
File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyarrow/error.pxi:123, in pyarrow.lib.check_status()
ArrowTypeError: Could not convert 255 with type int: was not a sequence or recognized null for conversion to list type
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
ArrowTypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/datasets/builder.py:1597, in GeneratorBasedBuilder._prepare_split_single(self, gen_kwargs, fpath, file_format, max_shard_size, split_info, check_duplicate_keys, job_id)
1596 num_shards = shard_id + 1
-> 1597 num_examples, num_bytes = writer.finalize()
1598 writer.close()
File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/datasets/arrow_writer.py:581, in ArrowWriter.finalize(self, close_stream)
580 self.hkey_record = []
--> 581 self.write_examples_on_file()
582 # If schema is known, infer features even if no examples were written
File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/datasets/arrow_writer.py:446, in ArrowWriter.write_examples_on_file(self)
442 batch_examples[col] = [
443 row[0][col].to_pylist()[0] if isinstance(row[0][col], (pa.Array, pa.ChunkedArray)) else row[0][col]
444 for row in self.current_examples
445 ]
--> 446 self.write_batch(batch_examples=batch_examples)
447 self.current_examples = []
File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/datasets/arrow_writer.py:551, in ArrowWriter.write_batch(self, batch_examples, writer_batch_size)
550 typed_sequence = OptimizedTypedSequence(col_values, type=col_type, try_type=col_try_type, col=col)
--> 551 arrays.append(pa.array(typed_sequence))
552 inferred_features[col] = typed_sequence.get_inferred_type()
File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyarrow/array.pxi:231, in pyarrow.lib.array()
File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyarrow/array.pxi:110, in pyarrow.lib._handle_arrow_array_protocol()
File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/datasets/arrow_writer.py:179, in TypedSequence.__arrow_array__(self, type)
178 if isinstance(pa_type, _ArrayXDExtensionType):
--> 179 storage = to_pyarrow_listarray(data, pa_type)
180 return pa.ExtensionArray.from_storage(pa_type, storage)
File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/datasets/features/features.py:1438, in to_pyarrow_listarray(data, pa_type)
1437 else:
-> 1438 return pa.array(data, pa_type.storage_dtype)
File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyarrow/array.pxi:317, in pyarrow.lib.array()
File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyarrow/array.pxi:39, in pyarrow.lib._sequence_to_array()
File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyarrow/error.pxi:144, in pyarrow.lib.pyarrow_internal_check_status()
File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyarrow/error.pxi:123, in pyarrow.lib.check_status()
ArrowTypeError: Could not convert 255 with type int: was not a sequence or recognized null for conversion to list type
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
DatasetGenerationError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [67], in <cell line: 2>()
1 from datasets import load_dataset
----> 2 squad_it_dataset = load_dataset('coco.py', data_files="data/coco.json", data_dir='/home/vision-ai/nas_data/vision_inspection/coco2017/')
File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/datasets/load.py:1757, in load_dataset(path, name, data_dir, data_files, split, cache_dir, features, download_config, download_mode, ignore_verifications, keep_in_memory, save_infos, revision, use_auth_token, task, streaming, num_proc, **config_kwargs)
1754 try_from_hf_gcs = path not in _PACKAGED_DATASETS_MODULES
1756 # Download and prepare data
-> 1757 builder_instance.download_and_prepare(
1758 download_config=download_config,
1759 download_mode=download_mode,
1760 ignore_verifications=ignore_verifications,
1761 try_from_hf_gcs=try_from_hf_gcs,
1762 num_proc=num_proc,
1763 )
1765 # Build dataset for splits
1766 keep_in_memory = (
1767 keep_in_memory if keep_in_memory is not None else is_small_dataset(builder_instance.info.dataset_size)
1768 )
File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/datasets/builder.py:860, in DatasetBuilder.download_and_prepare(self, output_dir, download_config, download_mode, ignore_verifications, try_from_hf_gcs, dl_manager, base_path, use_auth_token, file_format, max_shard_size, num_proc, storage_options, **download_and_prepare_kwargs)
858 if num_proc is not None:
859 prepare_split_kwargs["num_proc"] = num_proc
--> 860 self._download_and_prepare(
861 dl_manager=dl_manager,
862 verify_infos=verify_infos,
863 **prepare_split_kwargs,
864 **download_and_prepare_kwargs,
865 )
866 # Sync info
867 self.info.dataset_size = sum(split.num_bytes for split in self.info.splits.values())
File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/datasets/builder.py:1611, in GeneratorBasedBuilder._download_and_prepare(self, dl_manager, verify_infos, **prepare_splits_kwargs)
1610 def _download_and_prepare(self, dl_manager, verify_infos, **prepare_splits_kwargs):
-> 1611 super()._download_and_prepare(
1612 dl_manager, verify_infos, check_duplicate_keys=verify_infos, **prepare_splits_kwargs
1613 )
File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/datasets/builder.py:953, in DatasetBuilder._download_and_prepare(self, dl_manager, verify_infos, **prepare_split_kwargs)
949 split_dict.add(split_generator.split_info)
951 try:
952 # Prepare split will record examples associated to the split
--> 953 self._prepare_split(split_generator, **prepare_split_kwargs)
954 except OSError as e:
955 raise OSError(
956 "Cannot find data file. "
957 + (self.manual_download_instructions or "")
958 + "\nOriginal error:\n"
959 + str(e)
960 ) from None
File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/datasets/builder.py:1449, in GeneratorBasedBuilder._prepare_split(self, split_generator, check_duplicate_keys, file_format, num_proc, max_shard_size)
1447 gen_kwargs = split_generator.gen_kwargs
1448 job_id = 0
-> 1449 for job_id, done, content in self._prepare_split_single(
1450 gen_kwargs=gen_kwargs, job_id=job_id, **_prepare_split_args
1451 ):
1452 if done:
1453 result = content
File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/datasets/builder.py:1606, in GeneratorBasedBuilder._prepare_split_single(self, gen_kwargs, fpath, file_format, max_shard_size, split_info, check_duplicate_keys, job_id)
1604 if isinstance(e, SchemaInferenceError) and e.__context__ is not None:
1605 e = e.__context__
-> 1606 raise DatasetGenerationError("An error occurred while generating the dataset") from e
1608 yield job_id, True, (total_num_examples, total_num_bytes, writer._features, num_shards, shard_lengths)
DatasetGenerationError: An error occurred while generating the dataset
Is there anything wrong in my code ?
I don't get what
'ArrowTypeError: Could not convert 255 with type int: was not a sequence or recognized null for conversion to list type'
I kept seeing those error messages but i still dont' get it..
The features should be like that (pay attention on the type of the "image"):
feature_dict = {
'filename': datasets.Value(dtype='string'),
'imgid': datasets.Value(dtype='int64'),
'tokens': datasets.Sequence(feature=datasets.Sequence(feature=datasets.Value(dtype='string'), length=-1), length=1),
'sentences': datasets.Sequence(datasets.Value(dtype='string'), length=1),
'split': datasets.Value(dtype='string'),
'sentids': datasets.Sequence(feature=datasets.Value(dtype='int64'), length=1),
'image': datasets.Image(decode=True)
'image': datasets.Image(decode=True)