
How can I create pseudo-random numbers depending on multiple integer parameters?

My overall goal is to create a round-based game. So, I need some seemingly randomly generated numbers, example in fights - but not only, there are some different occasions. Anyway, I want those numbers to be reliably the same if certain parameters are the same.

Those parameters will be an integer seed - it will take the value of a generalRandomSeed, changing every round; but I need more parameters, like IDs of attacker and defender. I would be very convenient to call this function with the parameters (maybe all combined in a vector) like getRandom(generalRandomSeed,id1,id2).

So, in the end I am hoping for a function that takes one or more ints as parameters (ideally, a vector), returning one single integer: int getRandom(std::vector<int> parameters);

I canot quite figure out how I could solve that problem; if it was only about one parameter, I might just create a new mt19937 every time with my seed generalRandomSeed.


  • To explain Maarten's issues with std::seed_seq (and to make sure I understand things correctly!) I'll attempt an answer.

    The main issue I'd have with potentially suggesting using it (and it sounds like Maarten has the same one) is that the algorithm used by std::seed_seq isn't defined by the standard. Hence it's possible for other standard libraries (e.g. if you use a different compiler or even a different version of the same compiler) to change the implementation and you'd get different values back from the same inputs. Depending on your use case this lack of stability may, or may not, matter. That's a domain specific issue you'd have to decide on as you haven't specified it.

    The cryptographic approach suggested would would be to use something like a HKDF, where you use a cryptographic hash (like SHA256) to extract the entropy (i.e. "randomness") from your input values in a deterministic manner (e.g. taking care of endianness) and then use another cryptographic primitive to "stretch" this entropy out to produce your random output. If you're not familiar with the cryptographic world these things can be awkward as there's a lot of terminology.

    As a minor point, I'd suggest against using the MT19937 PRNG as it's relatively expensive to seed and it sounds like you'd be doing this a lot. There are other algorithms that are much cheaper, I personally like Sebastiano's xoshiro256 family or you could use Melissa's PCG family. Melissa O'Neill's site is a very useful resource if you're new to PRNGs.

    That said, if you're going the HKDF route you may as well just use the "expansion" step as a PRNG as it will directly produce uniform values. These can be transformed into bounded/uniform values easily: Melissa has a good review for ints here, or Vigna describes a conventional transform for binary IEEE-754 floats at the bottom of here (so is valid for float and double on most common CPUs).

    update: The MT19937 would seem to be difficult to predict given its enormous state space, but in fact it's been shown almost trivial. For example, searching for "predicting mt19937" leads to https://github.com/kmyk/mersenne-twister-predictor which will give you the state of the RNG from 624 consecutive 32bit integer draws. Using a CSPRNG would protect you from this, and is what using the output of a HKDF would give you. PCG makes this more difficult than the Mersenne Twister, but given that it's optimised for speed can't expend too much work doing this.