I segment multiple targets in medical image (CT) with DeeplabV3+, but with 3D volumes, so I can't load pretrained backbone(resnet...etc.) in the net.
And the details is:
But finally, My validation DSC just reached 0.6 around, I have no idea what's wrong in my code? Could anyone give me a hand(idea), please? Thanks a lot!
Increase the performance of the model, because now I don't have any idea why my network is so bad. Thanks a lot.
You can try to use a few 3x3 convolutional layers on 3D volumes of images keeping dimensions (h and w) of the features constant and then convert such tensor to 3 channel tensor using 1x1 convolutional layer. Now you will have a tensor of same height and width of the image with 3 channels and you can use the pretrained models.
For reference, check here: https://segmentation-models.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorial.html#training-with-non-rgb-data