I am trying to implement a Get Metadata activity to return the column count of files I have in a single blob storage container.
Get Metadata activity is returning this error: Error
I'm fairly new to Azure Data Factory and cannot solve this. Here's what I have:
Dataset:Source dataset
Name- ten_eighty_split_CSV
Connection- Blob storage
Schema- imported from blob storage file
Parameters- "FileName"; string; "@pipeline().parameters.SourceFile"
Name: ten eighty split
Parameters: "SourceFile"; string; "@pipeline().parameters.SourceFile"
Settings: Concurrency: 1
Get Metadata activity: Get Metadata
Only argument is "Column count"
Throws the error upon debugging. I am not sure what to do, (404) not found is so broad I could not ascertain a specific solution. Thanks!
The error occurs because you have given incorrect file name (or) name of a file that does not exist.
Since you are trying to use blob created event trigger to find the column count, you can use the procedure below:
After configuring the get metadata activity, create a storage event trigger. Go to Add trigger -> choose trigger -> Create new
.The following is the trigger JSON that I created for my container:
"name": "trigger1",
"properties": {
"annotations": [],
"runtimeState": "Started",
"pipelines": [
"pipelineReference": {
"referenceName": "pipeline1",
"type": "PipelineReference"
"parameters": {
"sourceFile": "@triggerBody().fileName"
"type": "BlobEventsTrigger",
"typeProperties": {
"blobPathBeginsWith": "/data/blobs/",
"blobPathEndsWith": ".csv",
"ignoreEmptyBlobs": true,
"scope": "/subscriptions/b83c1ed3-c5b6-44fb-b5ba-2b83a074c23f/resourceGroups/<user>/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blb1402",
"events": [