I am having an issue while creating AWS::Appsync:Resolver Cloudformation in Serverless Framework using Javascript resolver.
My Javascript Resolver
code in root dir /src/resolvers/jsResolver.js which I have attached to AWS::AppSync::Resolver
cloudformation in code block. I have also installed npm plugin for appsync utils in my package.json
import { util } from '@aws-appsync/utils';
export function request(ctx) {
const {source, args} = ctx
return {
operation: 'Invoke',
payload: { field: ctx, arguments: args, source },
export function response(ctx) {
util.error("Failed to fetch relatedPosts", "LambdaFailure", ctx.prev.result)
return ctx.result;
My AWS::AppSync::Resolver
Cloudformation is below in YML file also I have used Code as its Mandatory if I have declared it as APPSYNC_JS Runtime
Type: AWS::AppSync::Resolver
ApiId: !GettAtt Graphql.APiId
Code: ./src/resolvers/jsResolver.js <—- Here my code is breaking up with error contains one or more error
TypeName: Query
FieldName: getInfo
RuntimeVersion: 1.0.0
- !GetAtt AppSyncFunction.FunctionId
I have tried above code as per AWS Cloudformation documentation for Appsync available where they have mentioned that in AWS::AppSync::Resolver
for creating Javascript Resolver using Cloudformation as below one of the properties. which I have included in my AWS::AppSync::Resolver
The resolver code that contains the request and response functions. When code is
used, the runtime is required. The runtime value must be APPSYNC_JS.
Required: No
Type: String
Required: No
Type: String
So I've tried this and cant find enough solutions regarding Javascript Resolvers all are available with VTL template specific.
With above code my CloudFormation build failed with the following error: An error occurred: AppSyncJSResolver- The code contains one or more errors. (Service: AWSAppSync; Status Code: 400; Error Code: BadRequestException; Request ID: 0245d64d-...; Proxy: null)
in above code. and I have code property in that which giving me an error. I have verified with multiple sources and I am not finding any errors with my Javascript Resolver file /src/resolvers/jsResolver.js which I have declared in AppSyncJSResolver AWS::AppSync::Resolver
in code property, I am not sure why I’m getting this error, any help would be great.To answering my own question, The way I resolve it via two ways.
1. We can write whole Resolver code in YML Cloudformation in Code property like below. Make sure your resolver code should be inside of your Code property and use "|" special character (Multi-line code) after Code property.
AppSyncJsResolver: Type: AWS::AppSync::Resolver Properties: ApiId: !GettAtt Graphql.APiId Kind: PIPELINE Code: | import { util } from '@aws-appsync/utils'; export function request(ctx) { const {source, args} = ctx return { operation: 'Invoke', payload: { field: ctx, arguments: args, source }, }; } export function response(ctx) { util.error("Failed to fetch relatedPosts", "LambdaFailure",ctx.prev.result) return ctx.result; } TypeName: Query FieldName: getInfo Runtime: Name: APPSYNC_JS RuntimeVersion: 1.0.0 PipelineConfig: Functions: - !GetAtt AppSyncFunction.FunctionId
2. If you want to keep your business logic out of YML file and keep it separate then you can use CodeS3Location property in your javascript resolver like below.
first create bucket in S3 and store your javascript resolver file with your resolver code in bucket. make sure you give enough IAM permission to your appsync to access your S3 bucket.
After above step you can rewrite your YML Cloudformation like below
AppSyncJsResolver: Type: AWS::AppSync::Resolver Properties: ApiId: !GettAtt Graphql.APiId Kind: PIPELINE CodeS3Location:s3://my-bucket-name/my-filename.js TypeName: Query FieldName: getInfo Runtime: Name: APPSYNC_JS RuntimeVersion: 1.0.0 PipelineConfig: Functions: - !GetAtt AppSyncFunction.FunctionId
Hope this help others and will contribute more about Javascript Resolver so it will be easier for other to find more complex solutions and get as much as resources about Javascript Resolver. Thanks to @Graham Hesketh for your suggestions.