I have a scenario where I would like to call sum on a sequence of (Double, Double) tuples. Ideally I would like to do something like the following:
implicit def toTupleNumeric[T](num: Numeric[T]) = new Numeric[(T, T)] {
def plus(x: (T, T), y: (T, T)): (T, T) = (num.plus(x._1, y._1), num.plus(x._2, y._2))
def minus(x: (T, T), y: (T, T)): (T, T) = (num.minus(x._1, y._1), num.minus(x._2, y._2))
def times(x: (T, T), y: (T, T)): (T, T) = (num.times(x._1, y._1), num.times(x._2, y._2))
def negate(x: (T, T)): (T, T) = (num.negate(x._1), num.negate(x._2))
def fromInt(x: Int): (T, T) = (num.fromInt(x), num.fromInt(x))
def toInt(x: (T, T)): Int = num.toInt(x._1) + num.toInt(x._2)
def toLong(x: (T, T)): Long = num.toLong(x._1) + num.toLong(x._2)
def toFloat(x: (T, T)): Float = num.toFloat(x._1) + num.toFloat(x._2)
def toDouble(x: (T, T)): Double = num.toDouble(x._1) + num.toDouble(x._2)
def compare(x: (T, T), y: (T, T)): Int = num.compare(x._1, y._1) match {
case c if c == 0 => num.compare(x._2, y._2)
case c => c
But when I call sum:
val seq: Seq[(Double, Double)] = ...
val sum = seq.sum
I get a compiler error:
could not find implicit value for parameter num: Numeric[(Double, Double)]
Is there a way to implement such an implicit?
You seem to confuse conditional implicit
implicit def toTupleNumeric[T](implicit num: Numeric[T]): Numeric[(T, T)] = ...
with implicit conversion
implicit def toTupleNumeric[T](num: Numeric[T]): Numeric[(T, T)] = ...
With the former you're specifying that the data type (T, T)
(aka scala.Tuple2[T, T]
) is an instance of the type class Numeric
provided that T
is an instance of the type class. This means that if there is an implicit of the type Numeric[T]
then there is an implicit of the type Numeric[(T, T)]
. In Scala 3 the type of this conditional implicit is Numeric[T] ?=> Numeric[(T, T)]
(aka ContextFunction1[Numeric[T], Numeric[(T, T)]]
With the latter you're specifying that the data type Numeric[T]
can be used where the data type Numeric[(T, T)]
is expected and this function Numeric[T] => Numeric[(T, T)]
(aka Function1[Numeric[T], Numeric[(T, T)]]
) should be used for such transformation automatically.
I guess you meant the former. So add implicit
to the parameter (num: Numeric[T])
making it an implicit parameter (implicit num: Numeric[T])
. Your code will compile then.
You can refresh your understanding implicits in Scala:
Understanding implicit in Scala
What are type classes in Scala useful for?
Implicit conversion vs. type class
How can I chain implicits in Scala?
Why are implicit conversion deprecated in scala?
Can someone explain me implicit conversions in Scala?
Scala - Implicit conversion to implicit argument
Implicit conversion with implicit parameter
https://docs.scala-lang.org/tour/implicit-parameters.html https://docs.scala-lang.org/tour/implicit-conversions.html
https://docs.scala-lang.org/scala3/book/ca-contextual-abstractions-intro.html ...
https://docs.scala-lang.org/scala3/reference/contextual/index.html ...
You can also rewrite your definition using a context bound (: Numeric
), importing implicits, extension methods aka type-class syntax (.toInt
, .+(...)
), and type-class materializer (Numeric.apply[T]
import Numeric.Implicits._
implicit def toTupleNumeric[T: Numeric]: Numeric[(T, T)] =
new Numeric[(T, T)] {
override def plus(x: (T, T), y: (T, T)): (T, T) = (x._1 + y._1, x._2 + y._2)
override def minus(x: (T, T), y: (T, T)): (T, T) = (x._1 - y._1, x._2 - y._2)
override def times(x: (T, T), y: (T, T)): (T, T) = (x._1 * y._1, x._2 * y._2)
override def negate(x: (T, T)): (T, T) = (-x._1, -x._2)
override def fromInt(x: Int): (T, T) = (Numeric[T].fromInt(x), Numeric[T].fromInt(x))
override def toInt(x: (T, T)): Int = x._1.toInt + x._2.toInt
override def toLong(x: (T, T)): Long = x._1.toLong + x._2.toLong
override def toFloat(x: (T, T)): Float = x._1.toFloat + x._2.toFloat
override def toDouble(x: (T, T)): Double = x._1.toDouble + x._2.toDouble
override def compare(x: (T, T), y: (T, T)): Int = Numeric[T].compare(x._1, y._1) match {
case c if c == 0 => Numeric[T].compare(x._2, y._2)
case c => c
override def parseString(str: String): Option[(T, T)] = ???