
How to preload images in one activity then load them in another activity?

I'm trying to preload list of images in one activity then start another activity and load these images into imageviews that are already preloaded in cache.

I have two questions If I preload images in one activity, will they be available for load in another activity? Am I doing the method with glide correctly or am I missing something? Are there other more good practice ways to preload images?

I have tried Glide to preload images, but the images still take a long time to load in the another activity


Then loading them into imageview in another activity


I expect that the list of images that I have preloaded in one activity will load many times faster in another activity than if I had not preloaded them


  • If someone searching for the same, there is the answer that I found

    I found a workaround using another library, that is coil. For me, it seemed much simpler and a little better in all areas compared to glide.

    fun preloading(uri: Uri?) { //for preloading images in cache
            val request = ImageRequest.Builder(requireContext())

    And to load images in other activities or fragments
