
git credential-manager still prompts for password every time

We're using git-credential-manager and connecting via SSH to a remote git repository which we host.

But every time we push/pull it still prompts for a password. Any suggestions on how to configure this correctly? Please comment if you need more information.

Global config

    helper = 
    helper = git-credential-manager

Repository config

[remote "origin"]
    url = ssh://username@remoteip:/path/to/repository.git
    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*


  • The remote origin URL is an SSH one.

    That means the git credential helper is not involved. At all.

    What Git would ask through SSH is the passphrase of the private key or, if you do not have a registered public key in ~remoteip:/home/username/.ssh/authorized_keys, the actual password for the remote user 'username'.

    The ssh-agent can help cache the passphrase.
    But make sure your public key is registered on the remote machine.