Creating a dendrogram using plotly.figure_factory.create_dendrogram
has been discussed.
I decided to use HDBSCAN as custering algorithm and would like to visualize the clusters with Plotly.
clusterer = hdbscan.HDBSCAN(
algorithm ='best',
alpha = 1.0,
approx_min_span_tree = False,
gen_min_span_tree = True,
metric = 'hamming',
min_cluster_size = 2,
min_samples = 10,
allow_single_cluster = True,
p = None)
clusters = clusterer.fit_predict(df_matrix)
How can I extract a dendrogram out of the code above? Thanks!
You can use
to store the tree in a tree shaped manner within a pandas dataframe. There are more methods available, also for visualizing. See the docs: