
How do you code the likelihood of the normal distribution kernel in R manually?

Specifically, how do you code the product of the differences of x and mu, precision matrix, and transpose of the differences of x and mu. Is my code below correct? Thanks in advance.


where mu_mat is the row vector of means repeated down n times.

Full code is below:





  • if you have dataset and a vector of means, and the sigma, then you could compute the exponent part as:

    sum(diag(solve(sig, tcrossprod(t(x) - mu))))

    Therefore you likelihood will look like:

    log_like <- function(x, mu, sig){
      -sum(diag(solve(sig, tcrossprod(t(x) - mu))))/2 - #The part you are interested in
        nrow(x)*(ncol(x)*log(2*pi) + log(det(sig)))/2
    x <- iris[-5]
    mu <- colMeans(x)
    sig <- var(x)
    log_like(x, mu, sig)
    #> [1] -379.9213
    sum(mvtnorm::dmvnorm(x, mu, sig, TRUE)) # Produces same results as above
    #> [1] -379.9213

    Created on 2023-02-16 with reprex v2.0.2

    You could also use the following:

    log_like2 <- function(x, mu, sig){
      u <- t(x) - mu #Notice mu is a vector and not a matrix
      -sum(u*solve(sig, u))/2 -  # the part you are interested in
       nrow(x)*(ncol(x)*log(2*pi) + log(det(sig)))/2
    log_like2(x, mu, sig)
    #> [1] -379.9213

    putting all things together and using the recycling of R:

    log_like3 <- function(x, mu, sig){
      u <- t(x) - mu
      -sum(u * solve(sig, u) + log(2*pi) + log(det(sig))/ncol(x))/2
    log_like3(x, mu, sig)
    [1] -379.9213