I built multiclass classification model (with 5 classes in target) in Python and I have confusion matrix like below:
confusion_matrix(y_test, model.predict(X_test))
[[2006 114 80 312 257]
[567 197 87 102 155]
[256 84 316 39 380]
[565 30 67 592 546]
[363 71 186 301 1402]]
How can I calculate based on confusion matrix above, the following values:
I have the following function to calculate that for binnary target, but how can I modify that function to calculate that for my 5 classes target ?
def xx(model, X_test, y_test):
CM = confusion_matrix(y_test, model.predict(X_test))
TN = CM[0][0]
FP = CM[0][1]
FN = CM[1][0]
TP = CM[1][1]
print("True Negative:", TN)
print("False Positive:", FP)
print("False Negative:", FN)
print("True Positive:", TP)
print("Accuracy", round((TN + TP) / len(model.predict(X_test)) * 100, 2), "%")
print("True Positive rate",round(TP/(TP+FN)*100,2), "%")
print("False Positive rate",round(FP/(FP+TN)*100,2), "%")
print("True Negative rate",round(TN/(FP+TN)*100,2), "%")
print("False Negative rate",round(FN/(FN+TP)*100,2), "%")
You have to compute N confusion matrices (N is the number of classes) to have binary matrix (One class VS. Others):
def confusion_matrix_for(cls, cm):
TP = cm[cls, cls]
FN = cm[cls].sum() - TP
FP = cm[:, cls].sum() - TP
TN = cm.sum() - TP - FN - FP
return np.array([[TP, FN], [FP, TN]])
# Confusion matrix for class 0
>>> confusion_matrix_for(0, CM)
array([[2006, 763], # TP | FN
[1751, 4555]]) # FP | TN
# Flatten confusion matrix for class 0
>>> confusion_matrix_for(0, CM).ravel()
array([2006, 763, 1751, 4555]) # TP, FN, FP, TN
Use a loop and your code to compute your metrics for each class.
CM = confusion_matrix(y_test, model.predict(X_test))
for cls in range(CM.shape[0]):
print(f'[Class {cls} vs others]')
TP, FN, FP, TN = confusion_matrix_for(cls, CM).ravel()
print(f'TP: {TP}, FN: {FN}, FP: {FP}, TN: {TN}')
# compute your metrics (your code in the question)
# Output
[Class 0 vs others]
TP: 2006, FN: 763, FP: 1751, TN: 4555
[Class 1 vs others]
TP: 197, FN: 911, FP: 299, TN: 7668
[Class 2 vs others]
TP: 316, FN: 759, FP: 420, TN: 7580
[Class 3 vs others]
TP: 592, FN: 1208, FP: 754, TN: 6521
[Class 4 vs others]
TP: 1402, FN: 921, FP: 1338, TN: 5414