I want to write a simple server in Ruby that returns a different TLS certificate depending on the hostname. Currently I do it so that I specify a TCPServer with SSLContext and give the SSLContext certificate and key. This certificate is then used for all connections regardless of the hostname.
context = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext.new
context.min_version = :TLS1_2
context.add_certificate cert, key
serv = TCPServer.new host, port
secure = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLServer.new(serv, context)
Thread.new(secure.accept) do |conn|
# do stuff
Therefore a different certificate should be sent depending on the SNI. How to implement this?
You can use servername_cb
context.servername_cb = lambda do |_, name|
ctx = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext.new
# load certificate for name
ctx.add_certificate cert[0], cert[1]
return ctx
Alternatively, you can use the already existing Context:
context.servername_cb = lambda do |socket, name|
ctx = socket.context
# load certificate for name
ctx.add_certificate cert[0], cert[1]
return ctx
The function which servername_cb is called during the TLS handshake. It is passed an SSLSocket and the name as argument. It is expected to return an SSLContext with corresponding certificates. https://ruby-doc.org/3.1.2/exts/openssl/OpenSSL/SSL/SSLContext.html#attribute-i-servername_cb