
Runge-Kutta curve fitting extremely slow

I am currently trying to do a regression of a function calculated via a RK4 method performed on a non-linear Volterra integral of the second kind. The problem I found is that the code is extremely slow, for 1 call of the curve_fit function (fitt), it takes about 30-40 minute to generate a data. Overall, there will be a lot of calls to fitt before the parameters are determined, this takes more than 6 hours to run. Is there anyway to optimize this code? Thanks in advance!

from scipy.special import gamma
from ml_internal import LTInversion
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit , fsolve
from scipy.misc import derivative
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
from math import comb , factorial
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

# Gets the data

df = pd.read_excel('D:\\CoMat\\Fractional_fit\\optimized\\data_optimized.xlsx')

skipTime = 1
skipIndex = df[df['Time']== skipTime].index.values[0]

xls = pd.read_excel('D:\\CoMat\\Fractional_fit\\optimized\\data_optimized.xlsx',skiprows=np.arange(1,skipIndex+1,1))

timeDF = xls['Time']
tempDF = xls['Temp']

taDF = xls['Ta']

timeDF = timeDF - timeDF[0]
tempDF = tempDF + 273.15

t0 = tempDF[0]
ta = sum(taDF)/len(taDF)

ta = ta + 273.15

#Spliting into intervals
h = 0.05
a = 0
b = timeDF[len(timeDF)-1]
N = int(np.round((b-a)/h))

#Each xi
def xidx(index):
    return a + h*index

#Function in the image are written here.

def gx(t,lamda,alpha):
    return t0 * ml(lamda*(t**alpha),alpha)
gx = np.vectorize(gx)

def kernel(t,s,rad,lamda,alpha,beta):
    if t == s:
        return 0
    return (t-s)**(alpha-1) * ml_(lamda*((t-s)**alpha),alpha,alpha,1) * (beta*(rad**4) - beta*(ta**4) - lamda*ta)
kernel = np.vectorize(kernel)

# The problem is here!!!!!!
def fx(x,n,lamda,alpha,beta):
    ans = gx(x,lamda,alpha)
    for j in range(n):
        ans += (h/6)*(kernel(x,xidx(j),f0[j],lamda,alpha,beta) + 2*kernel(x,xidx(j+1/2),f1[j],lamda,alpha,beta) + 2*kernel(x,xidx(j+1/2),f2[j],lamda,alpha,beta) + kernel(x,xidx(j+1),f3[j],lamda,alpha,beta))
    return ans

f0 = np.zeros(N+1)
f0[0] = t0
f1 = np.zeros(N+1)
f2 = np.zeros(N+1)
f3 = np.zeros(N+1)
F = np.zeros((3,N+1))

def fitt(xvalue,lamda,alpha,beta):
    global f0,f1,f2,f3,F
    n = int(np.round(xvalue/h))
    f1[n] = fx(xidx(n) + 1/2,n,lamda,alpha,beta) + (h/2)*kernel(xidx(n + 1/2),xidx(n),f0[n],lamda,alpha,beta)
    f2[n] = fx(xidx(n + 1/2),n,lamda,alpha,beta)
    f3[n] = fx(xidx(n+1),n,lamda,alpha,beta) + h*kernel(xidx(n+1),xidx(n+1/2),f2[n],lamda,alpha,beta)
    if n+1 <= N:
        f0[n+1] = fx(xidx(n+1),n,lamda,alpha,beta) + (h/6)*(kernel(xidx(n+1),xidx(n),f0[n],lamda,alpha,beta) + 2*kernel(xidx(n+1),xidx(n+1/2),f1[n],lamda,alpha,beta) + 2*kernel(xidx(n+1),xidx(n+1/2),f2[n],lamda,alpha,beta) + kernel(xidx(n+1),xidx(n+1),f3[n],lamda,alpha,beta))

    if(xvalue == timeDF[len(timeDF) - 1]):
        returnValue = f0[n]
        f0 = np.zeros(N+1)
        f0[0] = t0
        f1 = np.zeros(N+1)
        f2 = np.zeros(N+1)
        f3 = np.zeros(N+1)
        return returnValue

    return f0[n]

fitt = np.vectorize(fitt)

#Fitting, plotting and giving (Adj) R-squared
popt , pcov = curve_fit(fitt,timeDF,tempDF,p0=(-0.1317,0.95,-1e-11),bounds=((-np.inf,0,-np.inf),(0,1,0)))

y_fit = np.array(fitt(timeDF,popt[0],popt[1],popt[2]))

plt.fill_between(timeDF,tempDF-0.5,tempDF+0.5,color='ORANGE', alpha=0.2)
plt.legend(["Experimental data", "Caputo fit"], loc ="upper right")
plt.xlabel("Time (min)")
plt.ylabel("Temperature (Kelvin)")

r2 = r2_score(tempDF,y_fit)

adjr2 = 1 - (1 - r2)*((len(xls)-1)/(len(xls)-3-1))

I already tried computing the values f0,f1,f2,f3 all at once, but the thing consuming the most time is Fn(x) which I haven't figured in out how to compute them all at once. If this is possible to compute at once, I think the program will run much faster. PS: ML,ML_ is a function from

Numerical solution of integral equations by L. M. Delves, J. Walsh - 1974 This is the function necesssary. Fn is the only one I haven't figured out yet.


  • There are two typing errors in the cited image. The combination of x_n and 1/2 is always meant to be the midpoint x_{n+1/2} = x_n + h/2. The second error is a duplication of x_{n+1/2} in the formula for f^{(4)}_n in its third term. The first error is probably producing errors that are large enough to make convergence complicated and any limit wrong for the intended problem.

    In the Simpson/RK4 step, the 4 fx computations can be reduced to 2.

    The F_n implement the left side of the integral equation

    F(x) = g(x) + int(s=0 to x of K(x,s,f(s))

    where the integral is approximated with the sample sequences f0,...,f3. Due to the structure of problem and algorithm F_n(x_n)=f^0_n = f^4_{n-1}.

    Note that K(x,s,f) should be set to zero for s >= x. In the exact version of the equation these values "above the diagonal" are not used.

    If an increase in accuracy is needed, for instance to avoid divergence where there is none in the exact solution, you can decrease the step site by a factor of 10 and then sub-sample the f^0_n sequence to produce the numerical guess for the given data. Other factors than 10 are of course also possible.