I am using Zend Framework and have been trying to do a joined query and also use named param binding. Referencing from the two posts below. When I just do the join everything works. When I add the name binding then it gets this error:
Message: SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: no parameters were bound
How to do a joined query in the ZF tables interface?
Zend Framework: How to find a table row by the value of a specified column?
I have scaled it way down trying to remove any possible errors but it is still getting the error and no idea why.
$query = "country = :cc"; // changing :cc to 'US' everything works
$params = array(':cc' => 'US');
$db = $this->getDbTable();
$select = $db->select(Zend_Db_Table::SELECT_WITH_FROM_PART);
->join(array("daytable"), 'weektable.showid = daytable.id')
->where($query, $params);
$rowset = $db->fetchAll($select);