I need to download all invoices from stripe.com for the past year for accounting purposes. I didn't find a button for that, and when I contacted stripe.com support, they said it's not possible and I should use API if I can.
I found this page, but it wasn't working. I didn't want to spend that much time on it, as I was sure this is a common use case and why fintech unicorn would not support this simple use case. Well, so I wrote a Python script for that and sharing it here. As I spend some time on it, I am sharing it here in the hope to be useful to somebody else as well.
These are the steps to create a new Stripe API Key:
-> Read
Hit Save, copy the Secret key and paste it in the STRIPE_KEY
.import os
import arrow
import requests
STRIPE_KEY = "{digrin.com}"
SAVE_PATH = "./Invoices/"
import stripe
def get_invoices(year):
last_item_id = None
result = []
while True:
invoices = stripe.Invoice.list(
created={'gte': int(arrow.get(f"{year}-01-01").timestamp()), 'lte': int(arrow.get(f"{year}-12-31 23:59").timestamp())},
for invoice in invoices['data']:
result.append({"number": invoice['number'], "url": invoice['invoice_pdf']})
if not invoices['data']:
last_item_id = invoices['data'][-1]['id']
return result
if __name__ == "__main__":
invoices = get_invoices(2022)
print(f"There are {len(invoices)} invoices.")
for invoice in invoices:
with open(f"{SAVE_PATH}{invoice['number']}.pdf", "wb") as f:
print(f"Saved file {invoice['number']}.pdf")
# check count
file_list = os.listdir(SAVE_PATH)
pdf_list = [file for file in file_list if file.endswith(".pdf")]
if len(pdf_list) != len(invoices):
print(f"WARNING: There are {len(invoices)} invoices but {len(pdf_list)} pdf files in the directory.")
print(f"There are {len(pdf_list)} files in the directory, matches stripe response.")