How can someone request help on a Tcl topic from the command line?
Does Tcl has a local documentation extractor/generator tool one can use to quickly get information about a Tcl command or a command out of a Tcl package/module like expect?
Something like pydoc in the Python world, or a specialized man?
I'm starting to use expect and would like to integrate such a tool to my editor so I could quickly look up Tcl reference information.
For example, on a given snippet of Tcl code like:
package require Expect
spawn bash
exp_send "ls -l\n"
set accum {}
expect {
-regexp {..*} {
set accum "${accum}$expect_out(0,string)"
I'd like to be able to request information about package
or exp_continue
or any Tcl keyword or library command.
So far I did not find anything describing such a tool in the Tcl wiki.
At a tclsh prompt, you can try:
tclsh> man lappend
On my system, (Linux w/ tcsh shell) this opened up the man page for lappend in a pager program (less, more, most). This is really for interactive use, I suppose, and I'm not sure how you would integrate this into another tool, like your editor.