
How can sbt pull dependency artifacts from git?

I've heard (and I know I've seen examples too, if only I can remember where) that sbt can obtain dependencies from a git repo.

I am looking to obtain the dependency harrah/up from github. The repository does not provide any artifact JAR files, only a source tree which is set up to be built using sbt. The process that I am imagining is that sbt will download the source repo, build it, and then use that as the dependency artifact.

I may be imagining that sbt can in fact do something like this. Can it? And if so, how?


  • Yes indeed. You can give your Project a dependency with the dependsOn operator, and you can reference a Github project by its URI, for example RootProject(uri("git://")). Alternatively, you can git clone the project, and then reference your local copy with RootProject(file(...)). See "Full Configuration" on the SBT wiki for details and examples.