I have a paginated report that summarizes various categories (the rows), by date (columns). The report works correctly for grouping and page breaks. My problem starts when the number of dates exceeds the width of the page in Print Layout mode. What property am I not setting correctly? thank you in advance for any assistance.
This is the report design:
When I run the report, the layout is correct
When I view in Print Layout mode, the first page is correct but the second page loses the row categories.
Select the tablix control and then set the RepeatRowHeaders
property to True
Update after looking at RDL
I cannot work out why your report is not working (limited time to investigate). However, I removed the matrix control and just created it from scratch, I did not do anything else and, other that a bit of formatting that I didn't replicate, it works as expected.
This GIF shows you your version on the left vs the version I edited on the right
I can't share the revised version directly so if you can provide a dropbox folder that I can update, I can send you the revised RDL back. If not I'll send it from my personal account later somehow.