I have this data structure in my table. One row represents 1 date and 1 status
id date status
1 2022-02-12 in
1 2022-02-13 out
1 2022-02-14 dlv
2 2022-02-13 in
2 2022-02-14 out
2 2022-02-15 dlv
From this table, I want to get the maximum date in which before or equal to 2022-02-14
and also the status for each row. The desired result:
id date status
1 2022-02-14 dlv
2 2022-02-14 out
What I have done is:
select distinct id, date, status
from table1
where date <= ('2022-02-14')
group by date, status
order by date desc limit 1
But this query only gives one id
out of 100 id
I have in my table.
Can somebody help me how to get the desired table?
I use aws redshift for this.
Thank you in advance
You need to use ROW_NUMBER() OVER for this type of query. Order the rows by date descending and find the row with the lowest number for each id. Like so:
with row_order as (
select id, date, status, row_number() over(partition by id order by date
descending) as rn
from table1
where date <= ('2022-02-14')
select id, date, status
from row_order
where rn = 1;