
Segmentation fault (core dumped) gdal with efal Mapinfo

I have install efal_19.0 from this link in order to support nativeX format. after configuring efal in bashrc with efal driver and SDK i am getting Segmentation fault (core dumped).

Steps to Replicate the issue: 1.On ubuntu 20.04 install gdal-bin 3.04 version. 2. Download both SDK and driver from above link. 3. Download driver folder 4./home/user/gdal3_efal_drv 5. Extract EFAL_19 zip file and copy contents of export/common to export uu64 Edit bashrc like this 1.export EFAL_SDK_DIR=/home/user/Downloads/EFAL_19.0/export/uu64 2.export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$EFAL_SDK_DIR 3.export GDAL_DRIVER_PATH=/home/user/efal/drv 4.cp /home/user/gdal3_efal_drv/ $GDAL_DRIVER_PATH 5 source ~/.bashrc After editing trying to convert any file using ogr2ogr command. It is showing Segmentation fault (core dumped)


  • Done.In the binary folder uu64 of ubuntu. Rename the Ntv2.xml to anything with xml extension.This resolved that issue