I've been working on a discord bot for a personal server. I want to use cogs to separate the music player functionality from the main file.
I am raising this error when I load my main.py
discord.ext.commands.errors.ExtensionFailed: Extension 'cogs.cog' raised an error: TypeError: object NoneType can't be used in 'await' expression
My main.py
file code related to cogs is this:
# Cogs
async def load_extensions():
for filename in os.listdir("./cogs"):
if filename.endswith(".py"):
# cut off the .py from the file name
await bot.load_extension(f"cogs.{filename[:-3]}")
async def main():
async with bot:
await load_extensions()
await bot.start(os.getenv('TOKEN'))
In my cogs.py file:
import os, discord
from discord.ext import commands
class Test(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, client):
self.client = client # sets the client variable so we can use it in cogs
self.intents = discord.Intents.default()
self.intents.message_content = True
async def command(self, ctx):
await ctx.send("Yes?")
def setup(client):
client.add_cog(Test(client, ))
I initially had an error about intents, which was solved by adding self.intents
, but I haven't been able to solve this issue. I have utilized StackOverflow, but haven't found anything specific to my issue.
The function setup(client)
must utilize async/await as it is a coroutine function.
The corrected code is:
async def setup(client):
await client.add_cog(Test(client))