I have a Word document that has a bookmark. I created a userform that inserts text into the document depending on the selection (checkbox 1 or 2).
Can the text being inserted at the bookmark be formatted?
For instance, I'd like the text to be underlined, regardless of selecting checkbox 1 or 2. However, I'd like the text inserted from checkbox 2 to also be bolded.
The name of the bookmark is CalSub.
Dim strSub As String
If CheckBox1 = True Then strSub = "Notice of Data Security Incident "
If CheckBox2 = True Then strSub = "Notice of Data Breach"
'Clean up formatting
With ActiveDocument
.Bookmarks("CalSub").Range.Text = strSub
End With
Something like this:
Dim rng As Range, doc As Document
Set doc = ActiveDocument
Set rng = doc.Bookmarks("CalSub").Range 'get the range
rng.Text = strSub 'set the text (note this will delete the bookmark)
doc.Bookmarks.Add "CalSub", rng 'recreate bookmark
rng.Font.Underline = True 'always underline
If CheckBox2 Then rng.Font.Bold = True 'set bold depending on value of checkbox