I am writing a Souffle query that operates on family relationships:
.decl Parent(x: symbol, y: symbol)
.input Parent
.decl Descendant(x: symbol, y: symbol)
.output Descendant
.printsize Descendant
Descendant(x, y) :- Parent(x, y).
Descendant(x, y) :- Parent(z, y), Descendant(x, z).
.decl Qslow(x: symbol)
.output Qslow
.printsize Qslow
Qslow(x) :- Descendant("Alice", x).
I have some facts in a TSV file Parent.facts
"Alice" "john"
"john" "mary"
"mary" "elizabeth"
"Bob" "charles"
And running souffle
seems to generate the right output for the Descendant
relation (three descendants for "Alice"):
hickory% souffle -F. -D. descendants.dl
Descendant 7
Qslow 0
However, Qslow
produces zero results. I would instead expect three results. This makes me suspicious of the definition of Qslow
, but I am not sure what the issue is. Am I doing something weird with symbol syntax? It looks like I am using the same syntax as in the docs.
If I try adding another clause to the conjunction, I still get zero results:
Qslow(x) :- Descendant(y, x), y="Alice".
You have specified the file Parent.facts
in the wrong data format. It should be
john mary
mary elizabeth
Bob charles
without double quotes and tabs to separate elements of tuples. Only facts in the program use double-quotes.