Here's the problem:
A -> A*B | A+CDE | Aab
All of the productions start with A. I guess that satisfies the rule? As you can see, it is missing beta. How do I perform left recursion on it? Can left recursion be even performed on it?
What I have learned so far is that if it was like this: A -> A*B | A+CDE | Aab | b
Then I would consider b as beta and solve as:
A -> bA'
A' -> *BA' | +CDEA' | abA' | ϵ
Without beta, I am confused. What do I consider as beta?
I think firstly it is needed to add new rule to A production to stop recursion. Something like b in your example.
A -> A*B | A+CDE | Aab | b
If this is not possible I guess production will looks like this:
A -> A*B | A+CDE | Aab | e
So, first step will be left factoring:
A -> AT | e
T -> *B | +CDE | ab
And then remove left recursion:
A -> A'
A' -> TA' | e
T -> *B | +CDE | ab